
Key Features
Fail-safe capabilities
Digital twin
500 kW Powertrain demonstrator
Characterization of optimal system architecture
The Hypotrade team gathered at the facilities of our project partner Honeywell in Prague for the third general assembly meeting.
In January 2023 the Clean Aviation project HyPoTraDe was launched with a Kick-off meeting held at the facilities of the

The performance requirements and the architecture of the powertrain, including its main components and the thermal management system are set. This will be the baseline for the actual demonstrator that is later build and tested in the project.
All components are integrated into the ground demonstrator and ready to run and the test campaign is defined.
The ground test campaign is finished and the data for all relevant testing points is gathered.
The digital twin is validated using the data gathered during the ground tests and able to reliably and correctly simulate the behavior of the fuel cell powertrain.
